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Palacio de la Aljafería

Palacio de la Aljafería is a stunning palace located in Zaragoza, Spain. This palace was built in the 11th century and has been a witness to the rich history of the city. The palace is a perfect example of Islamic architecture and is a must-visit for anyone interested in history and architecture. The palace is also a popular location for photography enthusiasts, with its intricate details and beautiful gardens providing the perfect backdrop for stunning photographs. Some of the best photography locations in the palace include the courtyard, the throne room, and the gardens.

876 - The Aljafería Palace (Spain)
The Aljafería Palace
by Joanot Bellver

The Aljafería Palace (Saragossa) Aragó, Spain

461 - l'Aljafería (Saragossa) Spain
The Aljafería Palace
by Joanot Bellver

** Palau de l'Aljafería (Saragossa) Aragó, Spain.

No Awards, Please! - All right reserved - Contact: joanot@cmail.cat

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91020307 - Palau de l'Aljaferia (Saragossa) Spain
The Aljafería Palace
by Joanot Bellver

Castell-Palau de l'Aljafería (Saragossa) Aragó, Spain

91020306 - Palau de l'Aljaferia (Saragossa) Spain
Palacio de la Aljaferia
by Joanot Bellver

** Palau de l'Aljafería (Saragossa) Aragó, Spain.

No Awards, Please! - All right reserved - Contact: joanot@cmail.cat

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Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Palacio de la Aljafería!
Most notably Joanot Bellver and Andrey Sulitskiy.